CRSC Personnel

Dr. Hien Tran, Director
Dr. Hien Tran is Director of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University where he is also a Professor of Mathematics.
Dr. Tran received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1986 and is the Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor at NC State University since 2015. He has sustained a strong and scholarly research program with over 135 published papers in applied mathematics and engineering journals, a patent, two textbooks and has given over 110 invited colloquia and invited lectures at universities and conferences as well as 4 plenary talks at international conferences. He has successful joint collaborations with researchers in academia, industry, and national laboratories including Harvard Medical School, School of Medicine (University of Sao Paulo), Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., The Aerospace Corporation, Pfizer, NIEHS and EPA.

Dr. Alina Chertock, Associate Director
Dr. Alina Chertock is Associate Director of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University where she is a Professor and Department Head of Mathematics.
Dr. Chertock received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, in 1999. Her research interests include applied nonlinear partial differential equations, scientific computing, numerical analysis, multiscale models, uncertain phenomena, and experimental asymptotics.

Dr. Semyon Tsynkov, Associate Director
Dr. Semyon Tsynkov is Associate Director of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University where he is also a Professor of Mathematics.
Dr. Tsynkov received his Ph.D. and Doctor of Science Degree (Habilitation) in Computational Mathematics from the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) in 1992 and 2004, respectively. His research areas include numerical solution of partial differential equations with applications to fluid flows and wave propagation in acoustics, electromagnetism, optics, and plasma, as well as inverse problems arising in active control of sound and remote sensing, in particular, synthetic aperture radar imaging.
Greg Deleruyelle, Business Officer
304 Cox Hall
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Associated Faculty and Industrial Scientists
The following is a complete list of CRSC Associated Faculty, Postdocs, and Industrial Scientists along with their respective research interests. If you would like to know more about a particular researcher, please see their individual profile.
- Alen Alexanderian: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Inverse problems, PDE-constrained optimization, numerical analysis, uncertainty quantification. - H.T. Banks: Distinguished University Professor and Drexel Professor of Mathematics; Associate Director of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University
Inverse Problems and Control for PDE, Modeling in Structures, Fluids and Biology. - John E. Banks: Director, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center, California State University, Monterey Bay
Entomology and ecology, modeling in biology. - Jerzy Bernholc: Professor of Physics
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science. - Lorena Bociu: Associate Professor of Mathematics
Partial differential equations (PDEs) and control theory for PDEs. - Stephen L. Campbell: Professor of Mathematics
Numerical Analysis, Implicit Differential Equations. - Alina Chertock: Professor of Mathematics and Associate Director of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University
Numerical methods for time-dependent partial differential equations, scientific computing. - Moody T. Chu: Professor of Mathematics
Numerical Analysis, Parallel Algorithms. - Doina Cioranescu: Research Professor of Applied Mathematics
Partial Differential Equations, Homogenization Theory for Composites - Marie Davidian: J. Stuart Hunter Distinguished Professor of Statistics; William Neal Reynolds Professor of Statistics; Adjunct Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Duke Medical School
Mixed Effects Models, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Covariate Measurement Error, Missing Data, and Analysis of Assay Data and Calibration. - Kevin Flores: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Biological modeling, personalized medicine - Pierre Gremaud: Professor of Mathematics and Director of Graduate Programs
Variational Methods in Continuum Mechanics, Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws. - Nathan Louis Gibson: Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Oregon State University
Computational electromagnetics, finite element and finite difference methods, inverse problems . - Hoon Hong: Professor of Mathematics
Symbolic Computation. - Shuhua Hu: Senior Research Scientist at Certara
Modeling in Biological and Physical Systems, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Propagation and Quantification, Optimal Control, Dynamic Game. - Ilse Ipsen: Professor of Mathematics
Numerical Linear Algebra, Parallel Computing. - Kazufumi Ito: Professor of Mathematics
Control and Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations. - R. Lawrence Ives: Founder and President of Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Software development, microwave tube and component design, and uses of microwave power for environmental and heating applications. - Marc Jacobs: Research Professor of Applied Mathematics
Dynamic Systems, Control Theory - Mark R. Jolly: Materials Division, Thomas Lord Research Center, The Lord Corporation
Magnetorheological Fluids, Smart Materials. - Michele Joyner: Associate Professor, East Tennessee State University, CaRDS Institute (Computation and Research in Data Science)
Deterministic and stochastic modeling of biological systems, parameter estimation in stochastic models. - Erich L. Kaltofen: Professor of Mathematics and Associate Member of Computer Science
Computational Algebra and Number Theory, Design and Analysis of Sequential and Parallel Algorithms, Symbolic Computation Systems and Languages, Internet Mathematics Technology. - Franz Kappel: Visiting Professor, Institut fur Mathematik, Universität Graz
Control Theory, Inverse Problems, Cardiovascular Modeling, and Mathematical Biology. - Khai T. Nguyen: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Optimal Control Theory, Differential Games, and related topics. - Karl Kunisch: Visiting Professor, Institut fur Mathematik, Universität Graz
Control Theory, Partial Differential Equations, and Inverse Problems. - Amy Langville: Assistant Professor, College of Charleston, SC Department of Mathematics
Reduced order models for advanced materials. - Zhilin Li: Professor of Mathematics
Numerical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. - Alun Lloyd: Professor of Biomathematics and Mathematics and Director of Biomathematics Graduate Program
Modeling Infectious Diseases, Spatial Models, and Biomathematics. - Sharon R. Lubkin: Professor of Biomathematics and Mathematics
Biomechanics and Models in Developmental Biology and Medicine. - Negash G. Medhin: Professor of Mathematics
Control Theory, Stochastics and Dynamical Systems. - Carl D. Meyer, Jr.: Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Numerical Linear Algebra, Markov Chains. - John F. Monahan: Professor of Statistics
Random Number Generation, Statistical Computing. - Marie Muller: Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Medical Ultrasound, Ultrasound Propagation in Complex Media. - William Oates: Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Florida State University
Multiscale material modeling, active materials, nonlinear control, fracture mechanics. - Mette S. Olufsen: Professor of Mathematics
Biofluidynamics, Math Biology. - Tao Pang: Associate Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Financial Mathematics Program
Stochastic Control and Financial Mathematics. - Melissa A. Pasquinelli: Assistant Professor in Textiles Engineering, Chemistry, and Science
Computational Chemistry, Multiscale Modeling, Nanomaterials, Toxicology, and Biomedical Engineering. - Eric S. Rosenberg: Associate Professor of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Clinical Trials, and HIV. - Arvind Krishna Saibaba: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Inverse Problems, Numerical Linear Algebra, and Uncertainty Quantification with Applications to Medical Imaging and Geosciences. - Paul Schlosser: Staff Scientist, U.S. EPA
Physiological Modeling. - Jeffrey S. Scroggs: Emeritus Associate Professor of Mathematics
Domain Decomposition, Partial Differential Equations. - James F. Selgrade: Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations, Biomathematics. - Michael Shearer: Professor of Mathematics
PDE's, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws. - Michael F. Singer: Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Computational Algebra and Differential Equations. - Suzanne S. Sindi: Assistant Professor, Applied Math, School of Natural Sciences, U. California, Merced
Computational molecular biology and Prion aggregate modeling - Charles E. Smith: Associate Professor of Statistics and Biomathematics
Numerical Solutions of First Passage Time Problems, Biomathematics. - Ralph C. Smith: Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics
Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Analysis and Control Theory. - William J. Stewart: Professor of Computer Science
Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, Numerical Linear Algebra. - Karyn Sutton: Scientist at the Institute for Disease Modeling
Mathematical Modeling, Modeling in Biological Sciences, Inverse problems. - Hien T. Tran: Professor of Mathematics; Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor; Director of the Center for Research in Scientific Computation at North Carolina State University
Numerical Methods in Control, Mathematical Modeling. - Semyon V. Tsynkov: Professor of Mathematics
Numerical Methods for PDE's and Computational Mathematics. - Paul J. Turinsky: Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Computational Engineering, Parallel Algorithms. - Robert E. White: Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Parallel Algorithms and Partial Differential Equations. - Lynn Yanyo: Materials Division, Thomas Lord Research Center, The Lord Corporation
Polymer Science, Viscoelastic Materials.
Associated Graduate Students
- Elizabeth Brown: CRSC Research Assistant
- Steven Gilmore: Math Graduate Teaching Assistant/CRSC Research Assistant
- Ethan King: Math Graduate Teaching Assistant/CRSC Research Assistant
- Annabel Meade: CRSC Research Assistant
- Nicholas Myers: CRSC Research Assistant
- Marcella Noorman: CRSC Research Assistant
- Hailey Owen: Math Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Celia Schacht: CRSC Research Assistant
- Rebekah White: NSF Fellow
- Omid Yousefian: Mech. and Aero. Engr. Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Yahe Yu: Math Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Meng (Emily) Zhang: Math Graduate Teaching Assistant
Corporate Partners
- Applied Math Inc.
Gales Ferry, CT
- Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.
Saratoga, CA
- Lord Corporation
Thomas Lord Research Center, Cary, NC